"Yoga is a mirror to look at
ourselves from within" BKS Iyengar

Bks Iyengar with his Guru Krishnamacharya
Iyengar yoga
BKS Iyengar (1918-2014) lived in Pune, India for most of his adult life where he established the Ramamani Institute of Iyengar yoga.
His teaching emphasises the integration of body, breath, mind and spirit and is based on the traditional eight limbs of yoga as laid out by sage Patanjali in his classic treatise 'The Yoga Sutras'.
Iyengar yoga emphasises the development of strength, stamina, flexibility, balance and stability which arises from asana (posture) practice. The sharp focus and attention to detail of alignment, extension and technique whilst performing the asanas leads to improved concentration . Rhythmic breathing and an even flow of energy is achieved which in turn develops emotional and mental strength and balance.
A key component of the Iyengar system is the use of props such as bricks, bolsters, blankets, ropes and chairs. The correct use of such props maintains correct alignment, creates space and helps spread awareness/intelligence throughout the body . The flow of blood to the organs is thus greatly impoved.
Iyengar yoga is meditation in action. In practising the asanas and pranayama the mind is directed towards the actions of the posture and the movement of breath. As the mind unites with the body and the breath, a meditative state is realised. Self exploration occurs through identifying and releasing physical, mental, emotional, and psychological blocks and resistance. Gradually ones ability to relax improves and inner awaresness is enhanced.
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